Office Of Transporation Planning Massachusetts DOT Office of Transportation Planning
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regional ITS Architectures Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regional ITS Architectures Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regional ITS Architectures

Roadway Freeway Control

Equipment Package: Roadway Freeway Control

Description: This equipment package includes the field equipment used to control traffic on freeways including ramp meters, interchange connector meters, mainline meters, and lane control signals.
Included In: MassDOT - Highway Division Lane Control Signs
MassDOT - Highway Division Overheight Vehicle Detectors
Functional Requirements 1 - The field element shall include ramp metering controllers, mainline meters, and lane controls for use on freeways, under center control.
2 - The field element shall monitor operation of ramp meter, mainline meters, and lane control indicators and report to the center any instances in which the indicator response does not match that expected from the indicator control information.
3 - The field element shall monitor operation of ramp meter, mainline meters, and lane control indicators and report to the center any instances in which the indicator response does not match that expected from known indicator preemptions.
4 - The field element shall return ramp metering controller, mainline meters, and lane control operational status to the controlling center.
5 - The field element shall return ramp metering controller, mainline meters, and lane control fault data to the maintenance center for repair.
6 - The field element shall provide indications to the driver that a freeway ramp or a lane is available for use, with possible usage data for the freeway lanes they are entering.
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