ITS Element: Las Cruces Public School District Buses

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Description: The buses owned and operated by the Las Cruces Public Schools. ITS equipment installed on district buses may include AVL, MDTs and security monitoring equipment (CCTV, silent alarms, etc..)
Status: Existing
Stakeholder: Las Cruces Public School District
Mapping: Transit Vehicle


Las Cruces Public School District Dispatch
Service Packages: APTS01 - Transit Vehicle Tracking - Independent School Districts
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - Las Cruces Public School District
APTS05 - Transit Security - Las Cruces Public School District
APTS06 - Transit Fleet Management - Independent School Districts
Functional Requirements:

On-board Schedule Management

  • The transit vehicle shall receive a vehicle assignment including transit route information, transit service instructions, traffic information, road conditions, and other information for the operator.
  • The transit vehicle shall use the route information and its current location to determine the deviation from the predetermined schedule.

On-board Maintenance

  • The transit vehicle shall collect and process vehicle mileage data available to sensors on-board.
  • The transit vehicle shall collect and process the transit vehicle's operating conditions such as engine temperature, oil pressure, brake wear, internal lighting, environmental controls, etc.
  • The transit vehicle shall transmit vehicle maintenance data to the center to be used for scheduling future vehicle maintenance.

On-board Transit Security

  • The transit vehicle shall perform video and audio surveillance inside of transit vehicles and output raw video or audio data for either local monitoring (for processing or direct output to the transit vehicle operator), remote monitoring or for local storage (e.g., in an event recorder).
  • The transit vehicle shall perform local monitoring of video or audio surveillance data collected inside of transit vehicles, and identify potential incidents or threats based on received processing parameters.
  • The transit vehicle shall output an indication of potential incidents or threats and the processed video or audio information to the center along with the vehicle’s current location.
  • The transit vehicle shall accept emergency inputs from either the transit vehicle operator or a traveler through such interfaces as panic buttons, silent or audible alarms, etc.
  • The transit vehicle shall receive acknowledgments of the emergency request from the center and output this acknowledgment to the transit vehicle operator or to the travelers.

On-board Transit Trip Monitoring

  • The transit vehicle shall support the computation of the location of a transit vehicle using on-board sensors to augment the location determination function. This may include proximity to the transit stops or other known reference points as well as recording trip length.
  • The transit vehicle shall record transit trip monitoring data including vehicle mileage and fuel usage.
  • The transit vehicle shall send the transit vehicle trip monitoring data to center-based trip monitoring functions.

Last updated: 08-08-14