ITS Element: City of Las Cruces Surveillance Video Server

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Description: Server for CCTV Surveillance Video operated by City of Las Cruces
Status: Existing
Stakeholder: City of Las Cruces
Mapping: Emergency Management


RoadRUNNER/ City of Las Cruces Intermodal Center Security Equipment
Service Packages: APTS05 - Transit Security - City of Las Cruces Intermodal Center
Functional Requirements:

Center Secure Area Surveillance

  • The center shall remotely monitor video images and audio surveillance data collected in secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards) and transportation infrastructure (e.g. bridges, tunnels, interchanges, roadway infrastructure, and transit railways or guideways). The data may be raw or pre-processed in the field.
  • The center shall remotely monitor video images and audio surveillance data collected in traveler secure areas, which include transit stations, transit stops, rest areas, park and ride lots, and other fixed sites along travel routes (e.g., emergency pull-off areas and travel information centers). The data may be raw or pre-processed in the field.
  • The center shall exchange surveillance data with other emergency centers.

Last updated: 08-08-14