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Interface Definition

FDOT D7 Regional Transportation Management Center

TO Service Patrol Dispatch


Architecture Flow Definitions

archive requests   (Planned)  

A request to a data source for information on available data (i.e. "catalog") or a request that defines the data to be archived. The request can be a general subscription intended to initiate a continuous or regular data stream or a specific request intended to initiate a one-time response from the recipient.


archive status   (Planned)  

Notification that data provided to an archive contains erroneous, missing, or suspicious data or verification that the data provided appears valid. If an error has been detected, the offending data and the nature of the potential problem are identified.


current network conditions   (Planned)  

Current traffic information, road conditions, and camera images that can be used to locate and verify reported incidents, and plan and implement an appropriate response.


emergency archive data   (Planned)  

Logged incident information that characterizes the identified incidents and provides a record of the corresponding incident response. Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information.


emergency traffic control request   (Planned)  

Special request to preempt the current traffic control strategy in effect at one or more signalized intersections or highway segments. For example, this flow can request all signals to red-flash, request a progression of traffic control preemptions along an emergency vehicle route, or request another special traffic control plan.


emergency traffic control response   (Planned)  

Status of the special traffic signal control strategy implemented in response to the emergency traffic control request.


incident information   (Planned)  

Notification of existence of incident and expected severity, location, time and nature of incident.


incident information   (Planned)  

Notification of existence of incident and expected severity, location, time and nature of incident.


incident information request   (Planned)  

Request for incident information, clearing time, severity. The request can be a subscription that initiates as-needed information updates as well as a one-time request for information.


incident response status   (Planned)  

Status of the current incident response including traffic management strategies implemented at the site (e.g., closures, diversions, traffic signal control overrides).


remote surveillance control   (Planned)  

The control commands used to remotely operate another center's sensors or surveillance equipment so that roadside surveillance assets can be shared by more than one agency.


resource deployment status   (Planned)  

Status of traffic management center resource deployment identifying the resources available and their current deployment status.


resource request   (Planned)  

A request for traffic management resources to implement special traffic control measures, assist in clean up, verify an incident, etc.


This page was last updated on 12-15-2000 using Web Spinner Technology.