The following National ITS Architecture equipment packages are associated with the "Tourist Shuttle Dispatch" element. Select the "Details" icon to see the detailed process specifications that support each equipment package, or consult the National ITS Architecture web site for more information.
Transit Center Fare and Load Management This Equipment package provides the capability to accept collected data required to determine accurate ridership levels and implement variable and flexible fare structures. Support shall be provided for the traveler for use of a fare medium for all applicable surface transportation services, to pay without stopping, have payment media automatically identified as void and/or invalid and eligibility verified, and allow for third party payment. In addition, capability to provide expansion into other uses for payment medium such as retail and telephone and for off-line billing for fares paid by agencies shall be supported. This Equipment package also supports the capability for two-way voice communication between the transit vehicle driver and a facility, two-way data communication between the transit vehicles and a facility, sensor data to be transmitted from the transit vehicles to a facility, and data transmission from individual facilities to a central facility for processing/analysis if desired. These capabilities shall be provided through a workstation type processor with GUI, high capacity storage, ride share software housed in a building with dialup lines and wireline telephone and require integration with an existing Transit Center Tracking and Dispatch Equipment package.
Transit Center Fixed-Route Operations This Equipment package enhances the planning and scheduling associated with fixed route transit services. The package allows fixed-route services to develop, print and disseminate schedules and automatically updates customer service operator systems with the most current schedule information. Current vehicle schedule adherence and optimum scenarios for schedule adjustment shall also be provided.
Transit Center Information Services This equipment package collects the latest available information for a transit service and makes it available to transit customers and to Information Service Providers for further distribution. Customers are provided information at transit stops and other public transportation areas before they embark and on-board the transit vehicle once they are enroute. Information provided can include the latest available information on transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, and special events. In addition to general service information, tailored information (e.g, itineraries) are provided to individual transit users.
Transit Center Multi-Modal Coordination This Equipment package provides the transit management subsystem the capability to determine the need for transit priority on routes and at certain intersections and request transit vehicle priority at these locations. It also supports schedule coordination between transit properties and coordinates with other surface and air transportation modes.
Transit Center Tracking and Dispatch This Equipment package provides the capabilities for monitoring transit vehicle locations and determining vehicle schedule adherence. The Equipment package shall also furnish users with real-time travel related information, continuously updated with real-time information from each transit system within the local area of jurisdiction, inclusive of all transportation modes, from all providers of transportation services, and provide users with the latest available information on transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents conditions, weather conditions, and special events. This Equipment package also supports the capability for two-way voice communication between the transit vehicle driver and a facility, two-way data communication between the transit vehicles and a facility.
This equipment package collects and stores transit information that is collected in the course of transit operations performed by the Transit Management Subsystem. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.
This Equipment package automates and supports the assignment of transit vehicles and drivers to enhance the daily operation of a transit service. It provides the capability to assign drivers to routes or service areas in a fair manner while minimizing labor and overtime services, considering driver preferences and qualifications, and automatically tracking and validating the number of work hours performed by each individual driver.
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