

District 1:

 by Stakeholder

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District 2

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District 4&6

District 5

District 7



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Interface Definition

Local Agency Web Sites

TO Traveler PC/Info. Appliance


Architecture Flow Definitions

broadcast information   (Planned)  

General broadcast information that contains link travel times, incidents, advisories, transit services and a myriad of other traveler information.


traveler information   (Planned)  

Traveler information comprised of traffic status, advisories, incidents, payment information and many other travel-related data updates and confirmations.


traveler profile   (Planned)  

Information about a traveler including equipment capabilities, personal preferences and recurring trip characteristics.


traveler request   (Planned)  

Request by a traveler to summon assistance, request information, make a reservation, or initiate any other traveler service.


traveler suggestions   (Planned)  

This flow represents reports from transportation users about the state of transportation facilities. Through this flow, various issues with the field equipment (e.g., signs down, signals out) or road surface (e.g., pot holes) can be easily reported by tr


This page was last updated on 12-11-2000 using Web Spinner Technology.