ITS Element: Clarus

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Description: The Clarus System offers a one-stop, Internet-based portal for all surface transportation environmental observations, allowing users to tap into the system for easy access to the data. Three critical features make Clarus information unique and separate from other forms of weather information available on the market today: - Specific to Transportation: Clarus specifically provides information related to roadway conditions. - Level of Detail: With the ability to gather data from a vast array of sensors, Clarus enables service providers to generate and deliver targeted and route-specific information. - Quality Control: Clarus performs comprehensive data-quality checks.
Status: Existing
Stakeholder: FHWA RITA
Mapping: Weather Service
Surface Transportation Weather Service


DDOT Snow Operations
DDOT Street and Bridge Maintenance
DPW Dispatch
Market Packages: MC03 - Road Weather Data Collection - DDOT
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - DDOT Street and Bridge
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - Snow Operations
Functional Requirements:

Last updated: 06-10-11