AMPA Regional ITS Architecture Update

Operational Concepts: New Mexico Department of Public Safety - DPS

The following are the roles and responsibilities, by functional area or by project, for New Mexico Department of Public Safety - DPS.

Functional Area or Project Roles and Responsibilities Status

Emergency Management

Operate the New Mexico Statewide EOC. Planned
Receive early warning information and threat information from the statewide EOC and/or the department of homeland security. Planned
Aide in the coordination of region wide emergency plans, evacuation and reentry plans, and disaster management plans. Planned
Provide regional traffic, transit, emergency management, and maintenance operations with disaster information to disseminate to the traveling public. Planned
Plan and coordinate region wide emergency plans, evacuation and reentry plans, and disaster management plans dealing with HAZMAT incidents. Planned
Generate and coordinate wide area alerts and distribute them to regional emergency management agencies, transit agencies, traffic agencies, regional information service providers, and the media. Planned
Generate Amber Alerts and distribute them to regional emergency management agencies, transit agencies, traffic agencies, and the media. Planned
Receive and respond to threat information from the state agency, City or municipality TOC regarding critical infrastructure. Planned
Receive local signal preemption from the City of Albuquerque. Existing
Coordinate with regional hospitals for care facility status. Planned
Participates in the incident response, coordination, and reporting of the Regional Communications Network in a coordination effort only (no dispatch function). Planned
Dispatch State Police vehicles (and track their location) as well as coordinate with all other public safety agencies within the Region. Planned

Incident Management - Emergency

Coordinate an incident response with regional rail operations for incidents involving rail. Planned
Coordinate maintenance resources in response to incidents on state highways with regional maintenance providers. Planned
Perform incident detection and verification for the highways within the region, and provide this information to traffic and other public safety agencies. Planned
Coordinate incident response with other public safety agencies (police, fire, EMS, sheriff, etc.) as well as with NMDOT. Planned
Dispatch State Police vehicles for incidents on the Region's highways. Planned