AMPA Regional ITS Architecture Update

Service Packages For: City of Albuquerque Department of Municipal Development - ATMS16-7

Scroll down to view list of elements, responsible agencies (stakeholders), candidate functional areas and requirements, and flows on this diagram.

List of Elements on this Diagram
Click on Element Name to go to Element Detail Page.
Element Name Stakeholder
Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System Bernalillo County/City of Albuquerque
Financial Institution Financial Institution
Private Vehicles Travelers
Albuquerque RTMC Albuquerque RTMC
Bernalillo County Traffic Operations Center Bernalillo County Public Works Division
City of Albuquerque Traffic Operations Center City of Albuquerque Department of Municipal Development
NMDOT Statewide TMC NMDOT - New Mexico Department of Transportation
Bernalillo County Public Information System Bernalillo County
City of Albuquerque Public Information System City of Albuquerque
NMROADS Admin NMDOT - New Mexico Department of Transportation
Private Sector Traveler Information Services Private Sector Traveler Information Service Providers
ABQ RIDE Fixed Route Dispatch System City of Albuquerque Transit Department
Rio Metro Operations Center Rio Metro Regional Transit District

List of Stakeholder Elements and Roles on this Diagram
Click on Element Name to go to Page with Element Details.
Click on Functional Area/Role to go to Page with Candidate Functional Requirements.
Stakeholder Element Name Functional Area/Role Functional Area Description
Bernalillo County/City of Albuquerque Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System Parking Management This equipment package detects and classifies vehicles at parking facility entrances, exits, and other designated locations within the facility. Current parking availability is monitored and used to inform drivers through dynamic message signs/displays so that vehicles are efficiently routed to available spaces. Parking facility information, including current parking rates and directions to entrances and available exits, is also provided to drivers. Coordination with traffic management supports local traffic control coordination in and around the parking facility.
Bernalillo County/City of Albuquerque Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System Parking Electronic Payment This equipment package supports electronic payment of parking fees using in-vehicle equipment (e.g., tags) or contact or proximity cards. It includes the field elements that provide the interface to the in-vehicle or card payment device and the back-office functionality that performs the transaction.
Travelers Private Vehicles Vehicle Toll/Parking Interface This equipment package includes the on-board systems that pay for tolls and parking electronically. It includes in-vehicle equipment that communicates with the toll/parking plaza (e.g., a tag) and an optional interface to a traveler card to allow use of a common payment medium for all transportation services.

List of Flows on this Diagram
Click on Architecture Flow to go to Page with Applicable ITS Standards.
Source Element Architecture Flow Destination Element
Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System payment request Financial Institution
Financial Institution transaction status Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System
Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System vehicle payment request Private Vehicles
Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System vehicle payment update Private Vehicles
Albuquerque RTMC parking lot data request Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System
Bernalillo County Traffic Operations Center parking lot data request Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System
City of Albuquerque Traffic Operations Center parking lot data request Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System
NMDOT Statewide TMC parking lot data request Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System
Private Vehicles vehicle payment information Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System
Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System parking information Albuquerque RTMC
Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System parking information Bernalillo County Traffic Operations Center
Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System parking information City of Albuquerque Traffic Operations Center
Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System parking information NMDOT Statewide TMC
Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System parking information Bernalillo County Public Information System
Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System parking information City of Albuquerque Public Information System
Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System parking information NMROADS Admin
Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System parking information Private Sector Traveler Information Services
Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System parking information ABQ RIDE Fixed Route Dispatch System
Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System parking information Rio Metro Operations Center
Bernalillo County Public Information System parking lot data request Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System
City of Albuquerque Public Information System parking lot data request Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System
NMROADS Admin parking lot data request Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System
Private Sector Traveler Information Services parking lot data request Mesa Del Sol Amphitheater Parking System