AMPA Regional ITS Architecture Update

Service Packages For: Bernalillo County Sheriffs Office - AD1-6

Scroll down to view list of elements, responsible agencies (stakeholders), candidate functional areas and requirements, and flows on this diagram.

List of Elements on this Diagram
Click on Element Name to go to Element Detail Page.
Element Name Stakeholder
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System NMDOT - New Mexico Department of Transportation
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System NMDOT - New Mexico Department of Transportation
Bernalillo County 911/ Sheriff Communications Center Bernalillo County Public Safety
City of Albuquerque 911/Emergency Communications Center City of Albuquerque Public Safety
Kirtland AFB Emergency Services Kirtland AFB
Municipal Fire Dispatch Municipal Public Safety
Municipal Police Dispatch Municipal Public Safety
NM DPS District Dispatch Center New Mexico Department of Public Safety - DPS
NM Motor Transport Division (MTD) District Offices New Mexico Department of Public Safety - DPS
Sandia Labs Sandia Labs
Sandoval County Regional Dispatch Center Sandoval County
Tribal Public Safety Dispatch Tribal Governments
UNM Police Dispatch University of New Mexico

List of Stakeholder Elements and Roles on this Diagram
Click on Element Name to go to Page with Element Details.
Click on Functional Area/Role to go to Page with Candidate Functional Requirements.
Stakeholder Element Name Functional Area/Role Functional Area Description
Bernalillo County Public Safety Bernalillo County 911/ Sheriff Communications Center Emergency Data Collection This equipment package collects and stores emergency information that is collected in the course of operations by the Emergency Management Subsystem. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.
City of Albuquerque Public Safety City of Albuquerque 911/Emergency Communications Center Emergency Data Collection This equipment package collects and stores emergency information that is collected in the course of operations by the Emergency Management Subsystem. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.
Kirtland AFB Kirtland AFB Emergency Services Emergency Data Collection This equipment package collects and stores emergency information that is collected in the course of operations by the Emergency Management Subsystem. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.
Municipal Public Safety Municipal Fire Dispatch Emergency Data Collection This equipment package collects and stores emergency information that is collected in the course of operations by the Emergency Management Subsystem. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.
Municipal Public Safety Municipal Police Dispatch Emergency Data Collection This equipment package collects and stores emergency information that is collected in the course of operations by the Emergency Management Subsystem. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.
New Mexico Department of Public Safety - DPS NM DPS District Dispatch Center Emergency Data Collection This equipment package collects and stores emergency information that is collected in the course of operations by the Emergency Management Subsystem. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.
New Mexico Department of Public Safety - DPS NM Motor Transport Division (MTD) District Offices Emergency Data Collection This equipment package collects and stores emergency information that is collected in the course of operations by the Emergency Management Subsystem. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.
NMDOT - New Mexico Department of Transportation NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System ITS Data Repository This equipment package collects data and data catalogs from one or more data sources and stores the data in a focused repository that is suited to a particular set of ITS data users. This equipment package includes capabilities for performing quality checks on the incoming data, error notification, and archive to archive coordination. This equipment package supports a broad range of implementations, ranging from simple data marts that collect a focused set of data and serve a particular user community to large-scale data warehouses that collect, integrate, and summarize transportation data from multiple sources and serve a broad array of users within a region.
NMDOT - New Mexico Department of Transportation NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System ITS Data Repository This equipment package collects data and data catalogs from one or more data sources and stores the data in a focused repository that is suited to a particular set of ITS data users. This equipment package includes capabilities for performing quality checks on the incoming data, error notification, and archive to archive coordination. This equipment package supports a broad range of implementations, ranging from simple data marts that collect a focused set of data and serve a particular user community to large-scale data warehouses that collect, integrate, and summarize transportation data from multiple sources and serve a broad array of users within a region.
Sandoval County Sandoval County Regional Dispatch Center Emergency Data Collection This equipment package collects and stores emergency information that is collected in the course of operations by the Emergency Management Subsystem. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.
Tribal Governments Tribal Public Safety Dispatch Emergency Data Collection This equipment package collects and stores emergency information that is collected in the course of operations by the Emergency Management Subsystem. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.
University of New Mexico UNM Police Dispatch Emergency Data Collection This equipment package collects and stores emergency information that is collected in the course of operations by the Emergency Management Subsystem. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.

List of Flows on this Diagram
Click on Architecture Flow to go to Page with Applicable ITS Standards.
Source Element Architecture Flow Destination Element
Bernalillo County 911/ Sheriff Communications Center emergency archive data NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System
Bernalillo County 911/ Sheriff Communications Center emergency archive data NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System
City of Albuquerque 911/Emergency Communications Center emergency archive data NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System
City of Albuquerque 911/Emergency Communications Center emergency archive data NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System
Kirtland AFB Emergency Services emergency archive data NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System
Kirtland AFB Emergency Services emergency archive data NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System
Municipal Fire Dispatch emergency archive data NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System
Municipal Fire Dispatch emergency archive data NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System
Municipal Police Dispatch emergency archive data NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System
Municipal Police Dispatch emergency archive data NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System
NM DPS District Dispatch Center emergency archive data NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System
NM DPS District Dispatch Center emergency archive data NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System
NM Motor Transport Division (MTD) District Offices emergency archive data NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System
NM Motor Transport Division (MTD) District Offices emergency archive data NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System
Sandia Labs emergency archive data NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System
Sandia Labs emergency archive data NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System
Sandoval County Regional Dispatch Center emergency archive data NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System
Sandoval County Regional Dispatch Center emergency archive data NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System
Tribal Public Safety Dispatch emergency archive data NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System
Tribal Public Safety Dispatch emergency archive data NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System
UNM Police Dispatch emergency archive data NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System
UNM Police Dispatch emergency archive data NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive requests Bernalillo County 911/ Sheriff Communications Center
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive requests City of Albuquerque 911/Emergency Communications Center
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive requests Kirtland AFB Emergency Services
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive requests Municipal Fire Dispatch
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive requests Municipal Police Dispatch
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive requests NM DPS District Dispatch Center
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive requests NM Motor Transport Division (MTD) District Offices
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive requests Sandia Labs
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive requests Sandoval County Regional Dispatch Center
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive requests Tribal Public Safety Dispatch
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive requests UNM Police Dispatch
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive requests Bernalillo County 911/ Sheriff Communications Center
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive requests City of Albuquerque 911/Emergency Communications Center
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive requests Kirtland AFB Emergency Services
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive requests Municipal Fire Dispatch
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive requests Municipal Police Dispatch
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive requests NM DPS District Dispatch Center
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive requests NM Motor Transport Division (MTD) District Offices
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive requests Sandia Labs
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive requests Sandoval County Regional Dispatch Center
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive requests Tribal Public Safety Dispatch
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive requests UNM Police Dispatch
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive status Bernalillo County 911/ Sheriff Communications Center
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive status City of Albuquerque 911/Emergency Communications Center
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive status Kirtland AFB Emergency Services
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive status Municipal Fire Dispatch
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive status Municipal Police Dispatch
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive status NM DPS District Dispatch Center
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive status NM Motor Transport Division (MTD) District Offices
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive status Sandia Labs
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive status Sandoval County Regional Dispatch Center
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive status Tribal Public Safety Dispatch
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System archive status UNM Police Dispatch
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive status Bernalillo County 911/ Sheriff Communications Center
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive status City of Albuquerque 911/Emergency Communications Center
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive status Kirtland AFB Emergency Services
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive status Municipal Fire Dispatch
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive status Municipal Police Dispatch
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive status NM DPS District Dispatch Center
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive status NM Motor Transport Division (MTD) District Offices
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive status Sandia Labs
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive status Sandoval County Regional Dispatch Center
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive status Tribal Public Safety Dispatch
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System archive status UNM Police Dispatch