AMPA Regional ITS Architecture Update

Service Packages For: City of Albuquerque Transit Department - EM09-03

Scroll down to view list of elements, responsible agencies (stakeholders), candidate functional areas and requirements, and flows on this diagram.

List of Elements on this Diagram
Click on Element Name to go to Element Detail Page.
Element Name Stakeholder
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) City of Albuquerque Police Department
ABQ RIDE Fixed Route Dispatch System City of Albuquerque Transit Department
ABQ RIDE Paratransit Dispatch System City of Albuquerque Transit Department
Independent School District Dispatch Independent School Districts
Local Transit Dispatch Local Transit Agencies
Rio Metro Operations Center Rio Metro Regional Transit District
NMDOT Park and Ride Dispatch NMDOT - New Mexico Department of Transportation
Rail Runner Operations/Dispatch Rio Metro Regional Transit District
UNM Transportation Services Dispatch University of New Mexico
Bernalillo County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Bernalillo County
City of Rio Rancho Emergency Operations Center (EOC) City of Rio Rancho Fire Department
Kirtland AFB Emergency Services Kirtland AFB
Municipal Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) Municipalities
New Mexico National Guard Command System New Mexico National Guard
New Mexico Statewide Emergency Operations Center (EOC) New Mexico Department of Public Safety - DPS
NM DPS District Dispatch Center New Mexico Department of Public Safety - DPS
Sandia Labs Sandia Labs
Sandoval County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Sandoval County
UNM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) University of New Mexico

List of Stakeholder Elements and Roles on this Diagram
Click on Element Name to go to Page with Element Details.
Click on Functional Area/Role to go to Page with Candidate Functional Requirements.
Stakeholder Element Name Functional Area/Role Functional Area Description
Bernalillo County Bernalillo County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Emergency Evacuation Support This equipment package coordinates evacuation plans among allied agencies and manages evacuation and reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency that poses a risk to public safety. Where appropriate, the affected population is evacuated in shifts, using more than one evacuation route, and including several evacuation destinations to spread demand and thereby expedite the evacuation. All affected jurisdictions (e.g., states and counties) at the evacuation origin, evacuation destination, and along the evacuation route are informed of the plan. The public is provided with real-time evacuation guidance including basic information to assist potential evacuees in determining whether evacuation is necessary. Resource requirements are forecast based on the evacuation plans, and the necessary resources are located, shared between agencies if necessary, and deployed at the right locations at the appropriate times. The evacuation and reentry status are monitored and used to refine the plan and resource allocations during the evacuation and subsequent reentry. This equipment package communicates with public health systems to develop evacuation plans and recommended strategies for disasters and evacuation scenarios involving biological or other medical hazards.
City of Albuquerque Police Department City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Emergency Evacuation Support This equipment package coordinates evacuation plans among allied agencies and manages evacuation and reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency that poses a risk to public safety. Where appropriate, the affected population is evacuated in shifts, using more than one evacuation route, and including several evacuation destinations to spread demand and thereby expedite the evacuation. All affected jurisdictions (e.g., states and counties) at the evacuation origin, evacuation destination, and along the evacuation route are informed of the plan. The public is provided with real-time evacuation guidance including basic information to assist potential evacuees in determining whether evacuation is necessary. Resource requirements are forecast based on the evacuation plans, and the necessary resources are located, shared between agencies if necessary, and deployed at the right locations at the appropriate times. The evacuation and reentry status are monitored and used to refine the plan and resource allocations during the evacuation and subsequent reentry. This equipment package communicates with public health systems to develop evacuation plans and recommended strategies for disasters and evacuation scenarios involving biological or other medical hazards.
City of Albuquerque Transit Department ABQ RIDE Fixed Route Dispatch System Transit Evacuation Support This equipment package manages transit resources to support evacuation and subsequent reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency. It supports coordination of regional evacuation plans, identifying the transit role in a regional evacuation and identifying transit resources that would be used. During an evacuation, this equipment package coordinates the use of transit and school bus fleets, supporting evacuation of those with special needs and the general population. Transit service and fare schedules are adjusted and updated service and fare information is made available through traveler information systems. This equipment package coordinates the functions in other Transit equipment packages to support these requirements.
City of Albuquerque Transit Department ABQ RIDE Paratransit Dispatch System Transit Evacuation Support This equipment package manages transit resources to support evacuation and subsequent reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency. It supports coordination of regional evacuation plans, identifying the transit role in a regional evacuation and identifying transit resources that would be used. During an evacuation, this equipment package coordinates the use of transit and school bus fleets, supporting evacuation of those with special needs and the general population. Transit service and fare schedules are adjusted and updated service and fare information is made available through traveler information systems. This equipment package coordinates the functions in other Transit equipment packages to support these requirements.
City of Rio Rancho Fire Department City of Rio Rancho Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Emergency Evacuation Support This equipment package coordinates evacuation plans among allied agencies and manages evacuation and reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency that poses a risk to public safety. Where appropriate, the affected population is evacuated in shifts, using more than one evacuation route, and including several evacuation destinations to spread demand and thereby expedite the evacuation. All affected jurisdictions (e.g., states and counties) at the evacuation origin, evacuation destination, and along the evacuation route are informed of the plan. The public is provided with real-time evacuation guidance including basic information to assist potential evacuees in determining whether evacuation is necessary. Resource requirements are forecast based on the evacuation plans, and the necessary resources are located, shared between agencies if necessary, and deployed at the right locations at the appropriate times. The evacuation and reentry status are monitored and used to refine the plan and resource allocations during the evacuation and subsequent reentry. This equipment package communicates with public health systems to develop evacuation plans and recommended strategies for disasters and evacuation scenarios involving biological or other medical hazards.
Independent School Districts Independent School District Dispatch Transit Evacuation Support This equipment package manages transit resources to support evacuation and subsequent reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency. It supports coordination of regional evacuation plans, identifying the transit role in a regional evacuation and identifying transit resources that would be used. During an evacuation, this equipment package coordinates the use of transit and school bus fleets, supporting evacuation of those with special needs and the general population. Transit service and fare schedules are adjusted and updated service and fare information is made available through traveler information systems. This equipment package coordinates the functions in other Transit equipment packages to support these requirements.
Kirtland AFB Kirtland AFB Emergency Services Emergency Evacuation Support This equipment package coordinates evacuation plans among allied agencies and manages evacuation and reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency that poses a risk to public safety. Where appropriate, the affected population is evacuated in shifts, using more than one evacuation route, and including several evacuation destinations to spread demand and thereby expedite the evacuation. All affected jurisdictions (e.g., states and counties) at the evacuation origin, evacuation destination, and along the evacuation route are informed of the plan. The public is provided with real-time evacuation guidance including basic information to assist potential evacuees in determining whether evacuation is necessary. Resource requirements are forecast based on the evacuation plans, and the necessary resources are located, shared between agencies if necessary, and deployed at the right locations at the appropriate times. The evacuation and reentry status are monitored and used to refine the plan and resource allocations during the evacuation and subsequent reentry. This equipment package communicates with public health systems to develop evacuation plans and recommended strategies for disasters and evacuation scenarios involving biological or other medical hazards.
Local Transit Agencies Local Transit Dispatch Transit Evacuation Support This equipment package manages transit resources to support evacuation and subsequent reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency. It supports coordination of regional evacuation plans, identifying the transit role in a regional evacuation and identifying transit resources that would be used. During an evacuation, this equipment package coordinates the use of transit and school bus fleets, supporting evacuation of those with special needs and the general population. Transit service and fare schedules are adjusted and updated service and fare information is made available through traveler information systems. This equipment package coordinates the functions in other Transit equipment packages to support these requirements.
Municipalities Municipal Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) Emergency Evacuation Support This equipment package coordinates evacuation plans among allied agencies and manages evacuation and reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency that poses a risk to public safety. Where appropriate, the affected population is evacuated in shifts, using more than one evacuation route, and including several evacuation destinations to spread demand and thereby expedite the evacuation. All affected jurisdictions (e.g., states and counties) at the evacuation origin, evacuation destination, and along the evacuation route are informed of the plan. The public is provided with real-time evacuation guidance including basic information to assist potential evacuees in determining whether evacuation is necessary. Resource requirements are forecast based on the evacuation plans, and the necessary resources are located, shared between agencies if necessary, and deployed at the right locations at the appropriate times. The evacuation and reentry status are monitored and used to refine the plan and resource allocations during the evacuation and subsequent reentry. This equipment package communicates with public health systems to develop evacuation plans and recommended strategies for disasters and evacuation scenarios involving biological or other medical hazards.
New Mexico Department of Public Safety - DPS NM DPS District Dispatch Center Emergency Evacuation Support This equipment package coordinates evacuation plans among allied agencies and manages evacuation and reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency that poses a risk to public safety. Where appropriate, the affected population is evacuated in shifts, using more than one evacuation route, and including several evacuation destinations to spread demand and thereby expedite the evacuation. All affected jurisdictions (e.g., states and counties) at the evacuation origin, evacuation destination, and along the evacuation route are informed of the plan. The public is provided with real-time evacuation guidance including basic information to assist potential evacuees in determining whether evacuation is necessary. Resource requirements are forecast based on the evacuation plans, and the necessary resources are located, shared between agencies if necessary, and deployed at the right locations at the appropriate times. The evacuation and reentry status are monitored and used to refine the plan and resource allocations during the evacuation and subsequent reentry. This equipment package communicates with public health systems to develop evacuation plans and recommended strategies for disasters and evacuation scenarios involving biological or other medical hazards.
New Mexico National Guard New Mexico National Guard Command System Emergency Evacuation Support This equipment package coordinates evacuation plans among allied agencies and manages evacuation and reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency that poses a risk to public safety. Where appropriate, the affected population is evacuated in shifts, using more than one evacuation route, and including several evacuation destinations to spread demand and thereby expedite the evacuation. All affected jurisdictions (e.g., states and counties) at the evacuation origin, evacuation destination, and along the evacuation route are informed of the plan. The public is provided with real-time evacuation guidance including basic information to assist potential evacuees in determining whether evacuation is necessary. Resource requirements are forecast based on the evacuation plans, and the necessary resources are located, shared between agencies if necessary, and deployed at the right locations at the appropriate times. The evacuation and reentry status are monitored and used to refine the plan and resource allocations during the evacuation and subsequent reentry. This equipment package communicates with public health systems to develop evacuation plans and recommended strategies for disasters and evacuation scenarios involving biological or other medical hazards.
NMDOT - New Mexico Department of Transportation NMDOT Park and Ride Dispatch Transit Evacuation Support This equipment package manages transit resources to support evacuation and subsequent reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency. It supports coordination of regional evacuation plans, identifying the transit role in a regional evacuation and identifying transit resources that would be used. During an evacuation, this equipment package coordinates the use of transit and school bus fleets, supporting evacuation of those with special needs and the general population. Transit service and fare schedules are adjusted and updated service and fare information is made available through traveler information systems. This equipment package coordinates the functions in other Transit equipment packages to support these requirements.
Rio Metro Regional Transit District Rail Runner Operations/Dispatch Transit Evacuation Support This equipment package manages transit resources to support evacuation and subsequent reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency. It supports coordination of regional evacuation plans, identifying the transit role in a regional evacuation and identifying transit resources that would be used. During an evacuation, this equipment package coordinates the use of transit and school bus fleets, supporting evacuation of those with special needs and the general population. Transit service and fare schedules are adjusted and updated service and fare information is made available through traveler information systems. This equipment package coordinates the functions in other Transit equipment packages to support these requirements.
Rio Metro Regional Transit District Rio Metro Operations Center Transit Evacuation Support This equipment package manages transit resources to support evacuation and subsequent reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency. It supports coordination of regional evacuation plans, identifying the transit role in a regional evacuation and identifying transit resources that would be used. During an evacuation, this equipment package coordinates the use of transit and school bus fleets, supporting evacuation of those with special needs and the general population. Transit service and fare schedules are adjusted and updated service and fare information is made available through traveler information systems. This equipment package coordinates the functions in other Transit equipment packages to support these requirements.
Sandia Labs Sandia Labs Emergency Evacuation Support This equipment package coordinates evacuation plans among allied agencies and manages evacuation and reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency that poses a risk to public safety. Where appropriate, the affected population is evacuated in shifts, using more than one evacuation route, and including several evacuation destinations to spread demand and thereby expedite the evacuation. All affected jurisdictions (e.g., states and counties) at the evacuation origin, evacuation destination, and along the evacuation route are informed of the plan. The public is provided with real-time evacuation guidance including basic information to assist potential evacuees in determining whether evacuation is necessary. Resource requirements are forecast based on the evacuation plans, and the necessary resources are located, shared between agencies if necessary, and deployed at the right locations at the appropriate times. The evacuation and reentry status are monitored and used to refine the plan and resource allocations during the evacuation and subsequent reentry. This equipment package communicates with public health systems to develop evacuation plans and recommended strategies for disasters and evacuation scenarios involving biological or other medical hazards.
Sandoval County Sandoval County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Emergency Evacuation Support This equipment package coordinates evacuation plans among allied agencies and manages evacuation and reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency that poses a risk to public safety. Where appropriate, the affected population is evacuated in shifts, using more than one evacuation route, and including several evacuation destinations to spread demand and thereby expedite the evacuation. All affected jurisdictions (e.g., states and counties) at the evacuation origin, evacuation destination, and along the evacuation route are informed of the plan. The public is provided with real-time evacuation guidance including basic information to assist potential evacuees in determining whether evacuation is necessary. Resource requirements are forecast based on the evacuation plans, and the necessary resources are located, shared between agencies if necessary, and deployed at the right locations at the appropriate times. The evacuation and reentry status are monitored and used to refine the plan and resource allocations during the evacuation and subsequent reentry. This equipment package communicates with public health systems to develop evacuation plans and recommended strategies for disasters and evacuation scenarios involving biological or other medical hazards.
University of New Mexico UNM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Emergency Evacuation Support This equipment package coordinates evacuation plans among allied agencies and manages evacuation and reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency that poses a risk to public safety. Where appropriate, the affected population is evacuated in shifts, using more than one evacuation route, and including several evacuation destinations to spread demand and thereby expedite the evacuation. All affected jurisdictions (e.g., states and counties) at the evacuation origin, evacuation destination, and along the evacuation route are informed of the plan. The public is provided with real-time evacuation guidance including basic information to assist potential evacuees in determining whether evacuation is necessary. Resource requirements are forecast based on the evacuation plans, and the necessary resources are located, shared between agencies if necessary, and deployed at the right locations at the appropriate times. The evacuation and reentry status are monitored and used to refine the plan and resource allocations during the evacuation and subsequent reentry. This equipment package communicates with public health systems to develop evacuation plans and recommended strategies for disasters and evacuation scenarios involving biological or other medical hazards.
University of New Mexico UNM Transportation Services Dispatch Transit Evacuation Support This equipment package manages transit resources to support evacuation and subsequent reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency. It supports coordination of regional evacuation plans, identifying the transit role in a regional evacuation and identifying transit resources that would be used. During an evacuation, this equipment package coordinates the use of transit and school bus fleets, supporting evacuation of those with special needs and the general population. Transit service and fare schedules are adjusted and updated service and fare information is made available through traveler information systems. This equipment package coordinates the functions in other Transit equipment packages to support these requirements.

List of Flows on this Diagram
Click on Architecture Flow to go to Page with Applicable ITS Standards.
Source Element Architecture Flow Destination Element
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination ABQ RIDE Fixed Route Dispatch System
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination ABQ RIDE Paratransit Dispatch System
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination Independent School District Dispatch
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination Local Transit Dispatch
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination Rio Metro Operations Center
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination NMDOT Park and Ride Dispatch
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination Rail Runner Operations/Dispatch
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination UNM Transportation Services Dispatch
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency transit service request ABQ RIDE Fixed Route Dispatch System
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency transit service request ABQ RIDE Paratransit Dispatch System
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency transit service request Independent School District Dispatch
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency transit service request Local Transit Dispatch
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency transit service request Rio Metro Operations Center
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency transit service request NMDOT Park and Ride Dispatch
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency transit service request Rail Runner Operations/Dispatch
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency transit service request UNM Transportation Services Dispatch
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation information ABQ RIDE Fixed Route Dispatch System
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation information ABQ RIDE Paratransit Dispatch System
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation information Independent School District Dispatch
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation information Local Transit Dispatch
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation information Rio Metro Operations Center
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation information NMDOT Park and Ride Dispatch
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation information Rail Runner Operations/Dispatch
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation information UNM Transportation Services Dispatch
ABQ RIDE Fixed Route Dispatch System emergency plan coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
ABQ RIDE Paratransit Dispatch System emergency plan coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Independent School District Dispatch emergency plan coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Local Transit Dispatch emergency plan coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Rio Metro Operations Center emergency plan coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
NMDOT Park and Ride Dispatch emergency plan coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Rail Runner Operations/Dispatch emergency plan coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
UNM Transportation Services Dispatch emergency plan coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
ABQ RIDE Fixed Route Dispatch System emergency transit schedule information City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
ABQ RIDE Paratransit Dispatch System emergency transit schedule information City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Independent School District Dispatch emergency transit schedule information City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Local Transit Dispatch emergency transit schedule information City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Rio Metro Operations Center emergency transit schedule information City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
NMDOT Park and Ride Dispatch emergency transit schedule information City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Rail Runner Operations/Dispatch emergency transit schedule information City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
UNM Transportation Services Dispatch emergency transit schedule information City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
ABQ RIDE Fixed Route Dispatch System emergency transit service response City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
ABQ RIDE Paratransit Dispatch System emergency transit service response City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Independent School District Dispatch emergency transit service response City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Local Transit Dispatch emergency transit service response City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Rio Metro Operations Center emergency transit service response City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
NMDOT Park and Ride Dispatch emergency transit service response City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Rail Runner Operations/Dispatch emergency transit service response City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
UNM Transportation Services Dispatch emergency transit service response City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Bernalillo County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
City of Rio Rancho Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Kirtland AFB Emergency Services emergency plan coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Municipal Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) emergency plan coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
New Mexico National Guard Command System emergency plan coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
New Mexico Statewide Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
NM DPS District Dispatch Center emergency plan coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Sandia Labs emergency plan coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Sandoval County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
UNM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Bernalillo County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
City of Rio Rancho Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Kirtland AFB Emergency Services evacuation coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Municipal Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) evacuation coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
New Mexico National Guard Command System evacuation coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
New Mexico Statewide Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
NM DPS District Dispatch Center evacuation coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Sandia Labs evacuation coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Sandoval County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
UNM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation coordination City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination Bernalillo County Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination City of Rio Rancho Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination Kirtland AFB Emergency Services
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination Municipal Emergency Operations Centers (EOC)
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination New Mexico National Guard Command System
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination New Mexico Statewide Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination NM DPS District Dispatch Center
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination Sandia Labs
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination Sandoval County Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) emergency plan coordination UNM Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation coordination Bernalillo County Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation coordination City of Rio Rancho Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation coordination Kirtland AFB Emergency Services
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation coordination Municipal Emergency Operations Centers (EOC)
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation coordination New Mexico National Guard Command System
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation coordination New Mexico Statewide Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation coordination NM DPS District Dispatch Center
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation coordination Sandia Labs
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation coordination Sandoval County Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
City of Albuquerque Emergency Operations Center (EOC) evacuation coordination UNM Emergency Operations Center (EOC)